Thursday, 28 May 2020

Photo 023 of my 52 Project Lockdown Silhouette Hardwick Park Sedgefield

Photo 023 of my 52 Project 
Lockdown Silhouette Hardwick Park Sedgefield 

I had the pups over Hardwick Park tonight it was a beautiful night when I was going back to the car I noticed the people that were silhouetted against the strong sunlight. They are all actually social distancing just talking and a different distances from each other and not in a line at all. I love this photo it's one of my favourite photos ever, hope you all like it too.
Taken with Fuji X100F

Friday, 22 May 2020

Photo 022 of my 52 Project Bench with a view Hardwick Park Sedgefield

Photo 022 of my 52 Project 
Bench with a view Hardwick Park Sedgefield 

I had the pups over Hardwick Park last night it was a beautiful night and they love a bit of posing. 
Taken with Fuji X100F

Photo 021 of my 52 Project Swan on Hardwick Park Lake

Photo 021 of my 52 Project 
Swan Lake Hardwick Park - Sedgefield

I have been over Hardwick Park quite a bit this last week or so with the pups. I noticed this lone swan drifting past with the Hardwick Hall Hotel in the background and made a lovely tranquil scene on a beautiful day. 

Taken with Fuji X100F

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Photo 020 of my 52 Project Night Shot Net Park Balls - Sedgefield

Photo 020 of my 52 Project 
Night Shot Net Park Balls - Sedgefield

After I took a photo of these balls the other week, someone informed me they were lit up on a night and looked really good. So I called back to take this photo and they're right they don't half look good.

Taken with Fuji X100F

Friday, 8 May 2020

Photo 019 of my 52 Project Trimdon Grange Community Centre - V E Day 75th Anniversary

Photo 019 of my 52 Project 
Trimdon Grange Community Centre - V E Day 75th Anniversary

Lovely effort made by the community centre volunteers, the centre looks lovely all decorated for V E Day, well done to everyone involved. There is quite a few house in the grange decorated too including our street with several house having some nice bunting and flags. 
Taken with Fuji X100F

Photo 026 of my 52 Project Family Social Distance Portrait.

Photo 026 of my 52 Project     Family social distance portrait. I had the pups over Hardwick Park last night, the park was empty because it ...