Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Welcome to my new One Life 2020 Photography Project

One Life 2020 

Photography Project 

Well let's see where this year takes us, as many of you will already know that follow me I have done other photography projects before.
I haven't totally decided exactly what I am going to do this year so it's quite an open brief but as well as landscapes etc I am planning on showing everyday life.
I think I will publish one photo per week for the project to start with but I could possible post more dependant on circumstances. 
I do hope you follow it again because I get a lot of satisfaction from all the comments etc, well heres to another great year of photographs come along for the ride 

Thanks John

Lily and Luna are looking their best and on the look out for some more shots.
Here's to a great 2020 and lots of photo opportunities. 

Photo 026 of my 52 Project Family Social Distance Portrait.

Photo 026 of my 52 Project     Family social distance portrait. I had the pups over Hardwick Park last night, the park was empty because it ...